The Best Rabbit Bait and Trapping Tips

The Best Rabbit Bait and Trapping Tips

If you have a rabbit problem in your yard, you could enlist the services of that noted rabbit hunter, Elmer Fudd. Unfortunately, Mr. Fudd’s methods of disposing of rabbits are less than humane, although given his poor track record with Bugs Bunny, it seems the rabbits wouldn’t have much to worry about. Wild rabbits are found in every state and prosper in areas where there is an abundance of natural cover to hide, nest and eat.

While the diet of a wild rabbit consists mostly of grass, they’ll eat almost any type of vegetable, including your flowers and vegetables. A backyard garden is especially inviting to a hungry bunny. The phrase “multiplying like rabbits” has a lot of merit, as a single pair of cottontails and their kin would number around 350,000 after a five-year period. Suffice to say, if you’ve seen one rabbit in your yard, there are many more lurking nearby.

How to Trap Wild Rabbits

The good news is that there are effective and humane ways to keep rabbits away, such as using our Havahart® Rabbit Traps. Paying attention to where and when rabbits appear in your yard is a crucial first step to rabbit control. A well-positioned cage placed along the rabbits’ normal run and loaded with a tasty treat will help you trap unwanted rabbits. Camouflage the cage by covering it with leaves, grass and earth to make it look like a natural part of the surroundings.

What Makes the Best Rabbit Bait?

The best bait for rabbits includes brussel sprouts, carrots, lettuce and apples; you can also spray the inside of the trap with apple cider. Unusual rabbit baiting tips include crumbling up cheesy biscuits and placing them inside the trap.

How to Repel Rabbits

As an alternative to trapping, rabbit repellents can be used. Some repellents deter rabbits using only their sense of smell, while others provide a double whammy to a rabbit’s smell and taste. Another benefit of using repellents is that you won’t have to worry about finding the best rabbit bait to use.

One technique is to make your own rabbit repellent using common ingredients found around the home, such as egg, garlic, Tabasco sauce and dishwashing liquid. Unfortunately, these concoctions don’t always work, and they’re a hassle to prepare. And there’s the smell that just seems to linger inside your house!

A motion-detecting water sprinkler can be a more effective way at keeping rabbits away. After all, who likes getting blasted with a sudden shot of water? Certainly not rabbits! Fencing can also provide protection for your yard from unwanted rabbits. Use chicken wire or hardware cloth and place it two to three feet high, buried two to three inches in the ground. Take it a step further by using an electric fencing solution to humanely shock the rabbits into leaving.

No matter what type of rabbit repellent or rabbit traps you choose, it has to be better than applying the “Elmer Fudd Treatment!”

Image: moonrhino